



希望, the impression on entering this space is that some 书-making scavenger recluse has claimed it in order to 释放 their collection. “一本书提供了诱人的物质期望,既可以调情,也可以拒绝. 什么是有定义的一本书"是,而是关于什么的无限可能"一本书可以变成. 以“” as an anchor my narrative brain was able to whirl in any direction the moment– stitch, weave, sand, smear, gouge, tape, click, stack, snap, link, tear, burn, print, glue, 构成——要求. Now I have this record; a castaway library scrounged from everything in arms’ reach during necessary but involuntary stretches of solitude. 

与其说做决定是一种选择,不如说是一种强迫. 如果我不展出我的作品,我还会展出 hoarding photo prints and brown paper and spare buttons and wood blocks and that chair back and far too many scraps of forgotten writing 希望能和他们一起酿点深夜炼金术. 随便地,我把我的作品称为“被诅咒的”. “被诅咒的” is a quality most frequently assigned to objects which to me feel uncannily alive. A 诅咒 灵气是一种联系吗.  在这方面,诅咒是 有抱负的. 成功诅咒作品 产生共鸣,甚至超越了我自己 痴迷. 那个痛苦的探索 for resonance is a trap I fall into each time I dig out a particularly self-assertive fabric scrap.  
As for my role as the artist, I imagine myself, in my eight by sixteen studio/home, as some 本·葛恩-蜘蛛-幽灵混合怪物, spinning and spinning a nest of 诅咒s for tomb robbers to finally crack open and 释放.