



在当前工作范围内, elements of ceramics and printmaking are juxtaposed in order to convey the complexity of interpersonal connections. 而陶瓷的功能性被认为是我实践的必需品, the illustrative range of print and mixed media provides possibilities that push for fluctuation of the form. Sketched memories of loved ones eating comfort foods are then construed into decisions regarding the ceramic body. 食物是一个人社会生活的公共方面, 这些图纸的内容并没有直接翻译成形式. 而不是, 肩膀的轮廓, 调味品杯, 或者帽边是更几何形状的潜在影响. 这些影响然后通过边缘变化翻译, 处理行, 上釉工艺. 知道原始提纲的来源, it is not as important for the viewer to connect the dots as it is to help me generate more designs. 

Material decisions are made based upon what each media will add to the concept. 生, 烧制的粘土通常是与其他颜色形成对比的基础色调, 更丰富多彩的媒体, 象征着一个人. 也, many of the glazes consist of a single material such as sodium bicarbonate which flashes the surface and is also just a fancy name for baking soda. 由于粘土与烧制釉的表面发生反应, 这代表了一个人对另一个人的影响. 我常被表面闪光的釉所吸引. 当另一个人进入你的生活方式时,转变就发生了, 和建议, 无论是否有根据, 是发生的. 因为应对机制在团结和孤独的层次上有所不同, 这些相互矛盾的概念将继续推动未来的工作. 

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艾琳的醋 // Single fire, cone 6 oxidation, thrown serving bowl, with handbuilt tongs // 6 x 11 x 11 inches