



 我的作品探讨了个人与毯子等舒适物品之间的关系, 枕头, 还有毛绒玩具. 个性是为儿童时期收集的船只创造的,并用于应对生活可能带来的不确定性. Often these personal possessions are used as an outlet, and we are able to confide in them during our times of need. 孩子们面对这些物品时所表现出的脆弱性很少被复制,我努力在作品中表现出这些情感和联系. 在我的工作中, I begin to question the meaning of comfort and how we achieve this feeling, “the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress”. As I continue to experiment with these ideas, 通过对这些概念的实验和探索,我开始重新定义舒适的意义. 

Lying in a bed wrapped in the covers, tucked in and away from the pressures and strain that growing up takes.  
Where do we go to take it away? 
Where is our resting place for the living? 
The place where all our worries go away. 
I sink, I sink in the covers beneath the sheets, between the springs.   
Wrapped in a layer of safety.  
My friends are here, the ones I tell my secrets to.  
The ones who understand my pain, to whom I sing, I laugh, I cry too. 
They hold my hand through the pain they catch my tears. 
They take it away, take it all away, 
I can close my eyes and drift, drift away. 
It becomes my escape, showing me what I have forgotten  
My friends bring me there, 
To a dream of a person, of a place, a moment, or feeling. 
As I awaken, I am pulled out slowly. 
I remove the blanket, pull away the sheets and hide my friends under the pillow. 
I roll myself from the center of the bed to the edge.  
Not ready to jump from the cliff before me. 
I can’t wait for the day to end, 

So I can crawl back under the covers with my friends.  

I’m taking an object from a place where we are most exposed. With influence from various artists such as Mike Kelly, 迈克尔Kempson, 和希拉·希克斯, and their wide use of textiles and other mediums; I begin to experiment with a variety of materials and create a bridge between sculpture and painting, breaking the traditional boundaries of a canvas. 直接画在伸展或褶皱的床单和枕套上,让作品表现出人们被包裹在其中时的感受. 这种床单可以被拉伸,就像它被紧紧地拉在床垫上一样,产生张力,或者分层,就像新铺的床一样. 

Paralyzed in a swarm of emotions. 
Surrounded yet completely alone. 
I'm awake but definitely dreaming because this doesn’t make sense. 
Wrapped, no tucked in so tight I forget, I forget it all. 
I slip in and out of the folds of blankets that lie on my bed. 

这些画是用丙烯酸和油画颜料以及其他混合材料创作的. One of these being spray foam; the use of this material creates more of an interaction between the work and the viewer. Many of the paintings also incorporate charcoal as an underdrawing. This technique gives the painting a more saturated and richer application of color.  The prints are made by layering a variety of Chinese papers, and a combination of litho and silkscreen print. 使用不同工艺和材料的组合可以在我和作品之间形成联系. Much like the connection that can be made with a comfort item.