


My work rejects the concept of an singular art object in favor exploring the relationship between artworks, 图片, 和对象. I am interested in investigating the specific ways that these things can communicate through their materiality and relationship to the viewer. This interest has led me to investigate painting and photography, as I feel those two mediums have the most to offer to this type of conceptual investigation. 我使用级数技术, 拼贴画, and the installation to develop complicated situations, which do not offer one concrete interpretation or idea but an constantly changing one, 这是每个新作品的发展, object, 或项与其他项一起被理解. My work may be therefore as much an product of curation than as an product of creation.  

In my paintings I deal with repetition through the series, I incorporate motifs of drawing. Many of my paintings are directly dealing with the materiality through color and light, 通过笔触和空间处理绘画. I attempt to address the formal questions that have existed through painting’s history through both abstract and representational modes. My paintings reference and speak to each other through repeated motifs and ideas, 的线, 的颜色, 的规模. A hand in one painting points to another, a leaf points to a tree. The green sculpture pairs to the red one, one illuminated figure seems to share the space of another.  

In my photographs I deal with the indexical quality of the photograph, 换句话说, the ability for an photograph to stand in for an real object, 就像照片作为文件的想法一样. 在我的摄影实践中,我创作了一系列的作品, 或者功的指标, 记录一个想法的尝试, or express a specific idea or communicate through the entire series. 一个人的一系列照片, covered in an cardboard box which is painted over with spray paint, 每个图像都记录了这个过程, 就像某个时间点的人工制品一样, that only develops meaning as it shows the entire process, 作为身体, 或者盒子, 变得越来越被包围, 或者在整个过程中发展. 常见的主题是中断或改变. The face is interrupted by the forest, crudely photoshopped into it. 陶瓷被贴纸覆盖着. 手被袋子盖住了. In this sense I am questioning the structure of the photograph, and finding ways to use this structure to talk about itself.  

对我来说,我的工作仍在进行中, 随着我添加更多的图像,它会继续发展, 更多的想法, 更多的对象, each adding to the last one and forming a more complete body, 一个更完整的想法, 但从未结束, 从未完成.