

  • PhD: Spanish University of Cincinnati, 2003
  • MA: Spanish University of Cincinnati, 1995
  • BA: International Studies Gannon University, 1993


  • Peninsular Spanish Literature and Culture
  • Medieval/Early Modern Spanish Studies
  • 西班牙女作家
  • 西班牙儿童文学

研究、出版物、 & 演讲

研究 & 出版物

  • “La experiencia compartida como enlace unificador: José Emilio Pacheco conmemora la identidad judía,” Ariana Huberman y Alejandro Meter (eds.) Memoria y Representación: literatura y cultura judía latinoamericana, Rosario (Arg.): Beatriz Viterbo Editoras, 2006.
  • “The Experience of Jewish Identity and Collective Memory in Morirás lejos.《k8彩乐园app官网下载》. 25(2005年6 / 7月):107-118.
  • 教师的注释. ¡Arriba! Comunicación y Cultura New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.
  • “La ideología subvertida: La sátira narrativa en Doña Perfecta.” Galdós y la narrativa satírica: Una introducción. 马德里:La Avispa, 2000.
  • “Rights, Repression, Republics and Reinos.” Northeast LGBT Conference, Binghamton University, April 2011.
  • "Femininity versus Queer Ideology in My Mother Likes Women and Beatriz and the Celestial Bodies." International Conference on Masculinities and Femininites, U of West Georgia, November 2008.
  • "Children's Literature in the University-level Spanish Curriculum." ACTFL, San Antonio, TX, November 2007.
  • "El acercamiento a la identidad lesbiana en A mi madre le gustan las mujeres." XXXII Annual Hispanic Literatures Conference, Indiana U of Pennsylvania, October 2007.
  • “Using the City to Map the Social Landscape in La nave de los locos.” The XXVI International Congress LASA, San Juan, PR, March 2006.
  • "Decapitating Discourse: El estrangulador by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán." The International Conference on Arms and Letters, U of West Georgia, October 2005.
  • "El control del espacio en la narrativa de Belén Gopegui." The 8th Annual Ohio State University Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, 语言学, 和文化, 2005年4月.
  • “Lies Can Create Truth: Morirás lejos by José Emilio Pacheco.” International Conference on Truth & Mendacity, State Univ of West Georgia, 2004年10月.
  • “Teresa de Cartagena’s Use of Medical Discourse.“科学, Literature and the 艺术 in the Medieval and Early Modern World, 宾汉姆顿大学(SUNY), 2004年10月.
  • "Jewish Collective Memory in Pacheco's Morirás lejos." The XXV International Congress LASA 2004, Las Vegas, NV, 2004年10月.
  • "Ambivalence and Self-Construction in the Treatises of Teresa de Cartagena." The XIV Biennial New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, FL, March 2004.
  • "The Authority of Authorship in the works of Teresa de Cartegena." The 53rd Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2000.


  • Alfred University International Fellowship for 教师 Development Grant, 2016年6月, "Global Migrations: 西班牙" course development
  • 阿比盖尔·艾伦奖,2014年4月.
  • Alfred University International Fellowship for 教师 Development Grant to attend the CIEE seminar “西班牙: Regional Identities in the European Context: The Catalan Case.2005年6月.
  • Joseph Kruson Trust Fund Award for Excellence in Teaching May 2004.
  • Service-Learning Award for Curricular Development Grant to support the course & trip “Sustainable Futures and Service-Learning in Costa Rica” Dec. 2003.
  • NEH 研究 Grant to transcribe unedited manuscript held in El Escorial library outside of Madrid, 西班牙. 2003年夏天.


评估及策划主席 & Oversight Committee, 2013 – present

  • Divisional Annual Assessment Reports
  • CLAS Writing Assessment – spring 2013, 2014, 2015
  • AU Writing Assessment - spring 2016

Director, Transfer Student 项目, 2014-present

Chair, Division of 现代语言, 2011 – 2017

Co-Director, Women’s Studies Program, 2012-2013

Director, Women’s Studies Program, 2008 – 2012



Member, Alfred University Assessment Council, 2015-present

  • Co-Facilitator, AU Writing Assessment, summer 2016

Chair, CLAS Assessment 政策 and Oversight Committee, 2014-present

  • Co-Facilitator, CLAS Writing Assessment, 2014, 2015
  • Reader, CLAS Writing Assessment, 2013

Middle States Site 访问 – April 2015 – two meetings

Middle States Working Group – Standard #14 – Assessment of Student Learning, 2012-13

Member, General 教育 Taskforce, 2010 – 2012

Professional Development in Assessment

AAC格式&U通识教育 & Assessment: New Contexts, New Cultures, February 2012

AAC格式&U Annual Meeting, “Global Positioning: Essential Learning, Student Success, and the Currency of U.S. 度.2011年1月.

AAC格式&U通识教育 Institute – Burlington, Vermont, June 2010


是什么让一个地方变得伟大? The consistent hard work of its caring & 友好的教职员工/. Every person here is a valued member of a living-learning community, and it really shows.
